Zine Competition 2022 - Winners announced!
Zine competition winners
We can now announce the winner of our first ever photo zine competition, made possible by our partnership with A5 ‘zine! Events have conspired against us, leading to unexpected delays with this announcement, and we really want to thank you all for your patience.
More than that, thank you for making and introducing us to such wonderful zines. The quality of the 34 submissions was so good that our lovely judge, Abigail Legg of Splendid Photos, was unable to choose just one winner. Instead, A5 ‘zine has expanded the prize and we are here to announce not just one winner, but two!!!
The winners are……..
On the Road by Brendan Kitto
The Jack Kerouac reference of the title, and the burnt-out wreck of an up-turned car on the cover, suggest we’re in for a bender of alcohol, sex, and endless highways, but Brendan Kitto’s On the road, takes us on a very different type of journey. Shot on road trips between Auckland and Whanganui, Kitto’s beautifully composed black and white images radiate stillness and quiet. Beginning with a shot of Bridge Street Takeaways in Huntly, and ending at Drurie Hill Lookout in Whanganui, Kitto takes us through highlights and oddities of the places in between. The un-peopled streets and straight-on shots of diaries and churches call to mind other New Zealand photographers like Robin Morrison and Derek Henderson, and create a sense of nostalgia, drawing the viewer in. @brendankitto
Away (away away away) with the fairies by Izzi Lao
Izzi Lao’s Away with the fairies is warm, saturated and atmospheric. It’s like a will-o’-the-wisp, but instead of leading you into a bog to drown, it suggests getting out of your insulation-exempt flat and spending time with some farm animals. Lao takes us outside. Exploring rural and urban spaces alike, they point out stunning and off-kilter sights with equally deft framing. Away with the fairies is thoughtfully designed, taking sumptuous colour 35mm photographs and creating clever pairings that draw the eye to certain tones and shapes, highlighting different relationships between the images. @izzi.lao
A5 zine will work with each of these photographers to produce a print run of 60 zines, 10 of which will be given to the artists, along with the $250 prize money. Keep an eye on @a5zine to see when you can pick up a copy of your own.
Who are A5’ zine?
A5 'zine is a zine publisher based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara and focused on small print-runs of photography zines. A5 'zine will partner with New Zealand artists to produce four - eight publications each year, highlighting the exciting work done by Aotearoa's photographers. @a5zine